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LEL2013 - Southbound ride

London-Edinburgh-London (LEL) is a randonnée bicycle ride of approximately 1400km held in the UK on an out-and-back course between the capital cities of England (London) and Scotland (Edinburgh). LEL is the British equivalent of Paris-Brest-Paris and the flagship event of Audax UK. It is held every four years.
The first LEL was in 1989, when there were 29 starters and 26 finishers, all British. In 2013 the number of starters was limited to 1000.
Manfred got rider number P56. During LEL you could check Manfred's progress online.

This Album shows photos of Manfred's southbound ride from Edinburgh back to London passing the control stations Traquair - Eskdalemuir - Brampton - Barnard Castle - Thirsk - Pocklington - Market Rasen - Kirkton - St Ives - Great Easton - Loughton. Manfred reached the final point happily without accident or mishap. However, for getting a medal Manfred's total time was not short enough. Manfred enjoyed the wonderful scenery a little bit too long! :-)

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2 Scotland Surfers :-)

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  • Mankovskay (Private)
    11 years 6 months ago
    Nice, Manfred!
    Big luck! So lovely teddy bear)....
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 6 months ago
      Teddy is my guardian angel bear!  
      The guardian-angel-bear did a good work! :-)
      During marathon London-Edinburgh-London he did good work. He gives luck!  :-) 
      Thanks for the nice comment, Lara!
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