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LEL2009 - The ride

London–Edinburgh–London (LEL) ist ein Radmarathon, der als Brevet durchgeführt wird. Das bedeutet, dass jeder Teilnehmer seine Fahrweise und Pausen auf der rund 1400 km langen Strecke selbst bestimmt. Das Zeitlimit beträgt 116:40 Stunden inklusive aller Pausen.
LEL gilt als britisches Gegenstück zu Paris–Brest–Paris (PBP) und findet ebenso alle vier Jahre statt (zuletzt 2005). Die Route verläuft auf einem Hin- und Rückkurs zwischen den Hauptstädten von England (London) und Schottland (Edinburgh). Es handelt sich um den längsten regelmäßig durchgeführten Radmarathon, der als BRM (Brevet Randonneur Mondiaux) anerkannt wird.
Der Radmarathon fand erstmals 1989 mit 29 ausschließlich britischen Teilnehmern statt, von denen 26 innerhalb des Zeitlimits angekommen sind.
2009 wurde die Anzahl der Starter auf 620 limitiert. 412 Teilnehmer erreichten das Ziel. Manfred hatte die Startnummer 328 und absolvierte die 1400 km in 109:05 Stunden.

Die Liste der glücklichen Finisher ist hier zu finden: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/lel2009/entry/fqbfwskgkrg/

London-Edinburgh-London (LEL) is a randonnée bicycle ride of approximately 1400km held in the UK on an out-and-back course between the capital cities of England (London) and Scotland (Edinburgh). The time limit is specified to 116:40 hours inclusive all breaks. LEL is believed to be the longest regularly scheduled grand randonnée to be sanctioned by the Randonneurs Mondiaux.
LEL is the British equivalent of Paris-Brest-Paris and the flagship event of Audax UK. It is held every four years.
The first LEL was in 1989, when there were 29 starters and 26 finishers, all British.
In 2009 the number of starters was limited to 620. 412 riders succeeded. Manfred got start number 328 and finished the 1400 km ride in 109:05 hours.

The list of the lucky finishers you find here: https://manfred-tinebor.fotki.com/journals/lel2009/entry/fqbfwskgkrg/

  • Okinew (Private)
    15 years 8 months ago
    Jan the Dane is fit like a fiddle!
    What is it? It has overcome 1400 km?
    Yes, of course, he finished the ride. Jan with his recumbent bike takes part in many international long distance bicycle rides. I have got to know Jan last year in SPb. We cycled together the 1200 kms bicycle marathon Вологда-Онега-Ладога. You can find him also in my VOL2008 album. I was glad to meet him in London again.
  • 15 years 6 months ago
    View down to deep-flying Joachim
    It looks as if you are taking this photo while cycling? How fast are you going?  

    The photo I shot on a flat road, round about 200 kms after start. At that time we were still "fresh". I estimate our speed between 30 and 35 km/h. The speedometer (middle instrument) at Joachim's recumbent bike is not to be seen clear. Maybe it shows 39. 

    39 km/h and taking photos. Wow! Good balance needed! 

    I have only a small simple camera, which I usually carry in my jersey pocket and can handle with one hand :-)
  • 15 years 6 months ago
    Taking another photo while cycling at full speed! Well I guess if one can do it from a car why not from a bicycle?:-)
    Dear Gypsy, when I sit on my bicycle, the bicycle is not a vehicle. My bicycle is a part of me! It is a prosthesis! Without prosthesis I am not entire and it is difficult to shoot photos :o)))

    Serious and philospher cyclist! :-)
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    15 years 8 months ago
    Manfred's brevet card
    140 км в день ... это круто!!!
    Спасибо! 1400 км через 4,5 дня
  • Okinew (Private)
    15 years 9 months ago
    Caused by stiff neck Manfred raised up the handlebar.
    How many km passed for a day?
    Not enough :-))) I cycled day and night!
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    15 years 8 months ago
    Joachim is waiting to start
    очень интересный велосипед ... даже не представляю как можно им управлять и держать равновесие ...
    Мой друг Joachim рамку велосипеда (Лигерад) сконструировал сам и произвел сам!
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    15 years 9 months ago
    Is it art ???
    Jetzt seh´ich es...ein Sendemast,oder!? ;)
    Ich hab das Ding auch als Mobilfunk-Sendemast identifiziert. Die Tarnung als Baum finde ich kurios!
  • Orange84 (Private)
    15 years 9 months ago
    LEL route
    Good luck, Manfred! :-) Looking forward to seeing your photos from LEL-2009! A.
    Большое спасибо! Hope my camera withstands the English rain!-)
  • Okinew (Private)
    15 years 3 months ago
    Jan the Dane is fit like a fiddle!
    Paradox! Here recumbent bike! I it saw and even made comments. As badly new information keeps within in my head!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      15 years 3 months ago
      Yes dear Olga, I know it well.
      Please, realize: The effect will increase!!
      The older one becomes, the greater will grow the holes in one's head :-)))
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    15 years 6 months ago
    Deep flying Dane Jan
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