Manfred's Guestbook RSS

  • Mankovskay (Private)
    11 years 3 months ago
    Dear Manfred!
    Thank you very much for greetings and sweet funny card)...
    Thank you....
    Hugs, Lara.
  • Manfred...  thanks for posting this accident information so that we know what happened!!!
    Good use of Fotki Journals!!!  I hope that you get well fast...  You are strong and will be ok.
    It will take time,,,  Best Wishes / Tschuss...  Gary in NJ=USA

    I am sorry that I did not see this until now '-(
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 10 months ago
      Thanks for the comment, Gary!
      Yes, the FOTKI Journals can be well used. 

      Unfortunately, "My Journals" is found by almost no visitor of my album!  
      Indeed, in the panel menu are "My Web Videos", "My Journals" and "My Forums" selectable. But almost nobody clicks on these menu points, because most FOTKI users do not use this possibility themselves. 
      It is very bad, because in the panel menu is not recognizable whether the function is used or not!

      From my view, the selectable menu points of the panel menu should occur only, if these are used! 
      It is a pity that FOTKI is improved not further, but by missing service customers are expelled.  :-(
  • Natali (Private)
    11 years 10 months ago
     О, весна без конца и без краю -
    Без конца и без краю мечта!
    Узнаю тебя, жизнь! Принимаю!
    И приветствую звоном щита!

    Принимаю тебя, неудача,
    И удача, тебе мой привет!
    В заколдованной области плача,
    В тайне смеха - позорного нет!

    Принимаю бессонные споры,
    Утро в завесах темных окна,
    Чтоб мои воспаленные взоры
    Раздражала, пьянила весна!
    ...Александр Блок
  • Alex Boldarev (Private)
    11 years 11 months ago
    Manfred hello! I have a question for you.
    Which program for the route you have in the phone?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 11 months ago
      Hi Alex! 
      I am glad to see your entry in my guestbook.  :-) 

      With my outdoor-phone MOTOROLA DEFY+ I use the App "OpenStreetMap for ANDroid", short: OSMAND. 
      You can install a cost-free version of OSMAND by Google Play. I found out, that also the Russian OpenStreetMaps are up to date and well detailed. 
      You can download cost-free maps here:   
      Because you use downloaded maps, you don't need an internet-connection for your route-navigation. But when you have an internet-connection, your phone can send by OSMAND your actual GPS position at regular time intervals to any web-page. So a real-time tracking is made very easy!  
      I used the real-time tracking during TransRussia 2012. So my friends and relatives could see my progress ...and my standstill! 

      I don't know, whether I did answer your question enough. If not, please Alex, feel free to ask more!  I am glad to tell you my experience.  :-) 

      I have seen that TransRussia 2013 is even more interesting and much more demanding. Because of not yet quite cured consequences of my accident last year, TransRussia 2013 probably is too large for me. 
      I will be glad, if this year, I can finish London-Edinburgh-London. :-)   
  • (Anonymously) (Private)
    11 years 11 months ago
    Ein gutes neues Jahr und immer genug Luft auf den Reifen 
    Günter Hossfeld
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 11 months ago
      Danke für den netten, unerwarteten Gruß!  ...lange nicht gesehen.
      Ich wünsche ebenfalls ein gutes Neues Jahr.
      ...und hoffentlich ist der Ruhestand nicht zu ruhig  :-)
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    12 years ago
    Спасибо большое за твое чудесное поздравление...Manfred!
    С Новым 2013 Годом!
    Пусть он принесет удачу и хорошее настроение!
    Всего доброго...
    Happy New Year!
  • Natali (Private)
    12 years ago
    Я сердечно поздравляю
    С Рождеством  Вас!
    Счастья искренне желаю

    В этот светлый час!

    Пусть Вас озарит сиянье
    С звездной высоты
    И исполнятся желанья,
    Планы и мечты!
    Пусть нежданная удача
    Взбудоражит кровь.
    И конечно, много значат
    Дружба и любовь!

  • Mankovskay (Private)
    12 years ago
    Hallo Manfred!
    Have a wonderful and peaceful Holiday Season!!!
    Be healthy, my friend!
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    12 years 1 month ago
    Hi, Manfred!
    .. in my fotki-album also have ads, but I do not click in it ...
    ... maybe it is also bad and wild ads? ... if you see in my alum something bad - write me please, because from other point maybe other ads ...

    but of course - without ads it was more good ...

    Good day for you.

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 1 month ago
      Извините, милая Лена! 
      To show advertising-free album pages, I pay $ 2.00 per month to FOTKI! 
      I expect that FOTKI fulfils the contractual agreement. 
      But it seems, that FOTKI Customer Service was falling into hibernation! 

      Have a pleasant day too!  
      ...and have a lot of fun in plenty of snow!  :-))
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        12 years 1 month ago
        I like your photos and with ads! :)
        ... but snow today will be fill water of rain :) ,,, probably because yet autumn :)

  • Mankovskay (Private)
    12 years 4 months ago
    Dear Manfred! 
    Thank you very much for birthday greetings!
    It was wonderful)...

    Take care of yourself...
    Hugs, Lara.
  • Mankovskay (Private)
    12 years 4 months ago
    Hello, dear Manfred!
    How are you?
    Hope that you are doing well....
    Take care of yourself...
    Best wishes of  health, dear friend!
    Hugs, Lara.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 4 months ago
      Thanks for the good wishes, dear Lara!
      In the moment I go to the physiotherapy, so that my
      body becomes flexible again.  :-)

      • Mankovskay (Private)
        12 years 4 months ago
        Good morning, dear friend!
        Be careful with the physiotherapy, dear Manfred!
        The massage is good too...
        Be healthy soon...
        Hugs, Lara.
  • CYPHOTO Austria (Private)
    12 years 4 months ago
    loves yours commemts 
  • Wolfgang (Private)
    12 years 4 months ago
    Hallo Mafred,
    gestern habe ich erfahren, dass du einen Unfall in Russland hattest. Ich wünsch dir eine gute Besserung und eine baldige Rückkehr nach Hause.

    Alles Gute

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      12 years 4 months ago
      Danke, Wolfgang!
      Die russischen Ärzte haben mich ab kommendem Wochenende als transportfähig bewertet. Um nach Deutschland geflogen zu werden, fehlt nun noch die Zustimmung eines deutschen Arztes.
      Munter bleiben!
  • Josef (Private)
    12 years 5 months ago
    Hi Manfred,
    ich hoffe es geht Dir gut und Du kannst wie geplant in Deine Tour quer durch Russland einsteigen.
    Deinen Track werde ich verfolgen und Dich mental begleiten.

    Alles Gute

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