Manfred's Guestbook RSS

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    Today, 22 hours 27 minutes ago
    Dear Manfred! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
    This is 11-th card."New Year's tea party" По русски немного другой смысл " Новогоднее чаепитие" .Олины мальчики поступили в математический лицей имени М.Ю. Лермонтова ( поэт, который обучался в здании этого лицея 200 лет назад). И на картине отзвуки интерьера старинного здания и эмблема лицея ( на визитке на переднем плане).

    photo 2024-12-20 16-02-04

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    1 year ago


    Dear Manfred! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
    This is 10-th card.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 months ago
      Thank you, dear MarBess. I hope that you had a happy New Year's celebration and a Merry Christmas. I wish you and your family a happy 2024.
      ... and thank you very much for the great card. Olga's paintings become more and more perfect. In my opinion, “Gifts of the Dragon” represents the highest level of perfectionism. I admire Olga's artistic talent.
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    2 years ago


    Dear Manfred! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
    • (Anonymously) (Private)
      2 years ago
      Дорогая Марбесс!  Манфред! С Рождеством!  С наступающим Новым Годом!
      Крепкого всем ЗДОРОВЬЯ, СЧАСТЬЯ и новых успешных свершений!
      Марбесс! Очень понравилась открытка Ольги!  
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      2 years ago
      Thank you, dear MarBess ... and thank you for the beautiful painting of your daughter Olga!
      I hope, the next year will bring peace, freedom and happiness to all people.   

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    3 years ago

    новогодний сон коломбины Р Друзьям

    Dear Manfred! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!  (Бмага Lana акварель, размер 55Х73см)

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      3 years ago
      Dear MarBess, thank you very much for the artful Christmas greeting. I wish you and your family a pleasant and peaceful New Year.  
  • Paul aus alten Tagen (Private)
    4 years ago
    Hallo Tinebär,
    du alter Haudegen schön das es dich noch gibt.
    Mich gibt es auch noch als Rentner und 2,5 facher Opa..
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      4 years ago
      Mensch Paule, 
      schön ein Lebenszeichen von dir zu erhalten! 
      Als Rentner kann man gut an die früheren Jahreswechsel zurückdenken. Zu den Jahreswechseln ergaben sich in der Entwicklung die besten Ideen mit "Kommt Zeit, kommt Rat, kommt Melcher's Rat!" :-) 
      Bleib munter! 
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    4 years ago
    Manfred! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!




    Good bye
    “beautiful” 2020! We hopefully meet the New 2021! Some constant attribute of
    New Year s gifts is postcards! They continue to be tranding!

       In the old Berezayka s house , I looked at
    the drawings of my grandmother, a pupil of the Tver s Maksimovich School. She
    became a teacher in pre-revolutionary Russia, eliminated illiteracy…But I
    thought that time, why she didn t became an artist? And my daughter Olga had
    graduated from the Academy of Arts I.E.Repin, and her favorite works became
    still lifes. All her still lifes were staged from household items. And then the
    idea was born, why don t we make postcards out of this New Year s still lifes?
    This is how a series of author s New Year s cards appeared.We give them to
    relatives, friends. Everyone likes the author s postcards really!And we are
    pleased to give a piece of our home warmth and family values on these New Year

    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      4 years ago
      Thank you, dear MarBess, for the nice greeting!
      Yes, 2020 was a "beautiful" year. I think, 2021 will be a very exciting year.
      I have the feeling that we have to expect big changes.
      Russia will certainly be among the more stable pillars in the changing world.
      Yes, may home warmth and family values determine the order in the New Year.
      Happy New Year!
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    5 years ago
    Dear Manfred, Merry Chistmas!
    Happy New Year!
    Artist Olga Syurenkyok / Bessonova /,
    "When the candles went out" 2019", watercolor , paper, 50x62 cm
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      5 years ago
      Thank you for the nice greeting with the excellent artistic picture.
      I am very pleased.
      С наступающим Новым годом, дорогая МарБесс!   
  • Erik (Private)
    6 years 3 months ago
    Hallo Manfred,

    ich möchte da mal bitte etwas erfragen.
    Es betrifft die Kreuzotter in der Farbe rot.
    Hast Du das Rad noch, bzw. könntest Du ein paar Auskünfte über das Rad geben?
    Meine Bewegründe würde ich Dir mitteilen,wenn Du geantwortet hast.
    Ansonsten schreibe ich eventuell zu viel.
    Gruß Erik
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      6 years 3 months ago
      Hallo Erik, 
      die rote Kreuzotter gehört dem Lutz aus Heek. Er hat die Kreuzotter selbst aufgebaut.  
      Du erreichst Lutz am besten über das Liegeradforum

      Vor dem Start
      Auf geht's
      Die rote Kreuzotter
      Lutz auf seiner Sonnenliege :-)
      Manfred und Lutz
      Lutz mit der roten Kreuzotter :-)
      Lutz with his red Kreuzotter
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