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Flèche Allemagne 2010 Team 34 "Die Kurbelquäler"

Flèche Allemagne, organisiert von Audax Randonneurs Allemagne, ist eine 24-Stunden Mannschaftssternfahrt mit dem gemeinsamen Ziel auf der Wartburg bei Eisenach. Flèche Allemagne findet in allen „geraden“ Jahren (2008, 2010, ... usw.) jeweils an Christi Himmelfahrt und dem darauf folgenden Freitag statt. Der Mannschaftsgedanke steht beim Flèche im Vordergrund. Eine Mannschaft besteht aus min. 3 und max. 5 Radlern, die alle in der vorgesehenen Zeit das Ziel erreichen sollen. 52 Mannschaften nahmen am 13.-14. Mai 2010 an der Sternfahrt teil. Manfred war Kapitän der Mannschaft "Die Kurbelquäler".

Flèche Allemagne, organized by Audax Randonneurs Allemagne, is a 24-hours team's star ride with different start places and with the concerted destination on castle Wartburg near Eisenach.
Flèche Allemagne takes place during all "straight" years (in 2008, 2010... etc.) in each case at Ascension Day and the next Friday. The team concept is the main thing. A team consists of min. 3 to max. 5 riders, who should reach the destination in the intended time together. 52 teams took part in the star ride at 13th-14th May 2010. Manfred was captain of the team "Die Kurbelquäler" ("The crank tormentors").

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Manfred Tinebor

Das Team "Die Kurbelquäler"

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  • Okinew (Private)
    14 years 9 months ago
    I hope that the nightingales sang in unison and did everything for the team.
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 9 months ago
      Yes, thanks dear Olga!
      At night we have even once stopped cycling to listen to the songs of the nightingales!
      • Okinew (Private)
        14 years 9 months ago
        You want to say that this is an easy walk?
        Why are you riding at night?
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 9 months ago
          No, dear Olga, it was no easy walk. It was a sporty challenge. But exactly this it should be!
          We rode at night because it was a 24-hour ride.
          We were too slow to ride 420 kms during one day without night! :-)))
          • Okinew (Private)
            14 years 9 months ago
            Couch live up to expectations?
            • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
              14 years 9 months ago
              I have not used the couch in the star ride to Wartburg. The star ride is a team ride. On this occasion, it depends not on the success of the singles, but on the success of the team.
              The whole team must reach the destination in the given time. In the team it is useful to give mutually slipstream. This would not have been possible with the couch.
              • Okinew (Private)
                14 years 9 months ago
                Bye! :-)
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