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Verkehrsschilder - lustig, kurios, paradox ...Unsinn?

Traffic signs - amusing, odd, paradox ...nonsense?

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J. Friedrichs

??? :o|

...die Benutzung des befahrbaren Weges nach links ist nicht gestattet!
...geradeaus über das Gleisbett und die Schienen darf geradelt werden!???
- das Überfahren der Gleisanlage dürfte aber nur geübten Mountainbikern gelingen! :o)

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Uploaded: November 14, 2013
  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    11 years 3 months ago
    signs have signification:
    Cyclists, you have to be attentive:
    - you have to ride straight, but the attention - train may be ahead!,
    - but movement to the left for you is prohibited!
    straight and only straight!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      11 years 3 months ago
      Yes, dear Lena! :-)
      ..but there is only one small difficulty: I am unable to ride straight ahead by my couch!  :-|
      Because there is no grade crossing, you have to cross the railroad elevation and the railway rails. To do this, you must be a perfectly adroit MTB-rider! ...surely, you are!  :-D 
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        11 years 3 months ago
        Yes, I am adroit MTB-rider, because I may brake and to cross railroad on my foots :)))

        ... it is really difficult!!! ... it is the sign on special russian road!!!
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          11 years 3 months ago
          Yes, of course you are adroit! :-) 
          ...but there you may not go by your feet! The blue bike-sign is marking, that the straight ahead way is only allowed for cyclists on bikes! There is no permission for pedestrians to go! 
          On ways with the following sign, you may go by your feet too:
          Zeichen 244
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