Briefmarken-Sammlung Collection of post stamps with bicycle motifs -
98 Origenes de la bicicleta -
99 Campeonatos del mundo de ciclismo -
101 Penny Farthing Ariel 1871 -
102 Mobilidade sustentável -
108 XXIX Olympic Games 2008 -
110 Campionati Mondiali 2000 -
112 Campionati Mondiali Di Ciclocross 19
114 Pensare verde! - Think green -
115 Giornata internazionale delle famigl
116 IX Giochi dei Piccoli Stati d'Europa
118 Aħseb aħdar! - Think green! -
119 Aħseb aħdar! - Think green! -
122 Tænk grøn - think green -
123 Danske Opfindelser - Longjohn budcyk
124 Landevejscycling VM 2011 -
126 Tag cyklen - din egen! -
127 FN's Kvinde-tiår 1975-1985 -
131 Crescent Låghjuling 1969 -
132 Skeppshult Trehjuling -
139 Tenk Grønt - Think Green -
141 Integration of immigrated foreigners -
142 Mõtle roheline - think green -
143 Mõtle roheline - think green -
144 Latvijas riteņbraukšanai -
146 Domā zaļi - dzīvo zaļi -
147 Pagalvokite žalia! - Think green! -
148 Pagalvokite žalia! - Think green! -
150 Myśleć ekologicznie - Think green -
153 UCI Road World Championship 1985 -
154 XXX Wyścig Pokoju - 30. Internation
155 XXV Wyścig Pokoju - 25. Internationa
156 XV Wyścig Pokoju - 15. International
157 Думай, як зялёныя! - think green! -
158 Думай, як зялёныя! - think green! -
159 Bicycle race, Summer Olympics 2004 -
161 Myslime zelene - think green -
162 Mistrovství světa v cyklokrosu 1987 -
163 20. Bicycle Peace Race Warsaw-Berlin
164 WorldCup Indoor Cycling, Czechoslova
165 80 Let Československe Cyklistiky -
168 Environmentálna Udržateľnosť -
169 Myslite zelene! - think green! -
172 Pomisli zeleno! - think green! -
173 Misli zeleno - think green -
177 Misli zeleno - think green -
178 Svjetski dan biciklista -
179 Razmišljaj zeleno - think green -
180 Gandeste verde - think green -
181 Gandeste verde - think green -
182 Set of Bicycle Historie -
185 Сообраќајни средства велосипед -
186 Lojerat Mesdnetare '93 -
190 Που Διπλώνει Το Ποδήλατο -
191 Summer Olympics, Athens 2004 -
192 Σκέψου πράσινα - think green -