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Advertising posters with or of bicycles, bike components or accessories - scanned, photographed or internet collected.

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These posters are collected because of the advertising idea with bicycles. In no case these posters do constitute a purchase recommendation by the collector!

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Velosipedov / RU

The city kills

Velosipedov - Веломастерская - Bicycle repair workshop in Moscow / Russia

"A big city is a very dangerous environment for a bicycle: stairs, traffic, vandals.
It seems everything conspires to ruin your bike, even when you least expect it. As if there was some witchcraft involved. The city is an awesome sorcerer.
...but no matter what goes wrong, Velosipedov can fix it!"

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  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    9 years 1 month ago
    Реклама веломастерской в Москве, но улица и дома не похожи на московские :)
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      9 years 1 month ago
      Да, милая Лена! Я согласен с тобой!  :-)
      That struck me too. This is the architectural style of the Hanseatic merchants!
      I believe that the most easterly places with Hanseatic architectural style are in Latvia. 
      On Russian territory there are perhaps still some Hanseatic houses in Kaliningrad. There are certainly no Hanseatic houses in Moscow. 
      ...but there is the bicycle-repair-workshop in Moscow! :-) 
      Адрес мастерской: Москва, Большая Набережная улица, 25/1  
      Телефон: +7 (495) 925-15-87
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        9 years 1 month ago
        ух ты ... Ганзейские дома!
        ... видимо хозяин байкшопа живет в Ганзейском доме в Латвии ... а Байкшоп открыл в Москве и с такой рекламой, так как только город Москва доводит велосипеды до такого состояния и делает это регулярно каждый день ... очевидно -  дело байкшопа пойдет в гору!

        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          9 years 1 month ago
          Да, Лена!  :-)
          Maybe the illustrator of the advertising posters lives in Latvia. The advertising posters were formed by agency "G2 Russia" from Moscow. Illustrator of the posters is Annabella Orosz.
          • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
            9 years 1 month ago
            In Latvia the bicycle vandalism and above all the bicycle theft is obviously high very much! 
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