Home > Den Store Styrkeprøven (Norway) > Styrkeprøven 2004 > En route: Trondheim-Oslo

Styrkeprøven 2004

540 km Radmarathon in Norwegen von Trondheim nach Oslo.

Den Store Styrkeprøven (English: The Great Trial of Strength, Deutsch: Die Große Kraftprobe) is a 540 km long bicycle cyclosportive in Norway, which starts in Trondheim and finishes in Oslo. It was first held in 1967 and has taken place since then in late June every year.

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Manfred Tinebor

En route: Trondheim-Oslo

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  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    13 years 11 months ago
    It is famously to cycle on such route!!! ... Along the rushing river, among mountains and forests ...
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      13 years 11 months ago
      Yes, dear Elena!
      Norway has a nice scenery. Up to then I knew a similar scenery only from landscape films from Canada!
      I was entranced from the rocky mountains, from the torrential mountain brooks, the immense waterfalls, the clear mountain lakes and from the rough northern vegetation!
      I enjoyed very much cycling in Norway! :-))
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