Earlier the cornflowers grew here very numerously in the grain fields. The strong growth of the cornflowers reduced the cereal yield. Therefore, by the German agriculture the cornflowers were strongly combated as weeds.
Be careful,Manfred! When slaves callected berries in Russia (till1861), the Landowners forced them to sing songs!!! ( in order not to eat berrirs). That we can see and hear in Opera "Eugene Onegin"! :-)))
Здорово, Манфред! Красиво снято! But what can I say about my poor rododendron??? It couldn t have flowers this summer... Its buds had been frozen and dried up ...It was very cold in Krasnoozernoe this winter...
I tried to follow the velomobiles. But the streamlined fairing of the velomobiles reduces the air resistance considerably. Therefore, in the plain, the velomobiles are much faster than uncovered bicycles. So I was unable to follow the velomobiles.