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Brevet 200 km "Koffie met Appelgebak" - 2016 (Germany, Netherlands)

• Startort/location: Lohne, Emsland | • Startzeit/date: 8:00, 23.04.2016

„Koffie met Appelgebak“ ist ein Radmarathon über eine Streckenlänge von 200 km, der als Brevet ausgeführt wird. Die Route führt durch die deutsche Grafschaft Bentheim und durch die Province Overijssel in den Niederlanden.
Vor dem Start passierte ein kleines Malheur. Durch den Transport der Couch war die Kette unbemerkt vom Kettenblatt gefallen war. Beim ersten Pedaltritt klemmte sich die Kette zwischen Kettenblatt und Rahmen fest. Es dauerte ein Weilchen, um die Kette zerstörungsfrei zu lösen. Als die Couch startklar war, waren die anderen Teilnehmer bereits einige Minuten unterwegs. Der Couchmotor war zu schlaff, um das Hauptfeld einzuholen. :o) So musste der alte Couch-Surfer meistens alle Wetter allein genießen.

"Koffie met Appelgebak" is a cycling marathon with a route length of 200 km, running as a brevet. The route leads through the German county Bentheim and through the Province Overijssel of the Netherlands.
A small mishap happened before the start. By transporting the couch, unnoticed, the chain dropped from the chainring. By the first pedal step the chain got jammed between chainring and frame. It took a little while to loosen the chain without damaging. When the couch was ready, the other participants were already started a few minutes ago. The couch engine was too floppily to catch the peloton. :o) Thus, mostly, the old couch-surfer had to enjoy all weather alone.

  • Natali (Private)
    8 years 7 months ago
    ...und Mopped hat ins Weserbergland zurückgefunden.
    Классная экипировка!!!
    Домой с ветерком!?
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    8 years 7 months ago
    Не длинный маршрут! Короче, чем от Москвы до Петербурга!!! ОООООООООООООООООООООООООООООО!!!
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      8 years 7 months ago
      Это была только маленькая прогулка к кафе, чтобы наслаждаться там кофе с яблочным пирогом!    :o)
      "Koffie met Appelgebak" - имя тура!  :-)  

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    8 years 7 months ago
    Hi Manfred! How long was this running? How many hours it lasts?
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      8 years 7 months ago
      Hi, dear MarBess! Thanks for your interest. 
      Brevets are cycled under the rules of Audax Club Parisienne. The limit of the total time is dependent on the distance length.
        200 km -   13:30 h 
        300 km -   20:00 h 
        400 km -   27:00 h 
        600 km -   40:00 h 
      1000 km -   75:00 h 
      1200 km -   90:00 h 
      1400 km - 116:40 h 

      The route length of "Koffie met Appelgebak" was 208.4 km. I finished my sightseeing coffee-tour after 11:40 h. Look to my control card. Start: 8:00 o'clock in the morning (because of a little mishap, I started a few minutes later). Finish: 19:40 o'clock in the evening.  
      My ambition is not, to be very fast. My ambitions are to see the sights along the route, to enjoy scenery and nature ...and, by the way, to keep the physical fitness.  :-)
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