„Door de mooie Maasvallei“ (Durch's schöne Maastal) ist ein Radmarathon über eine Streckenlänge von 200 km, der als Brevet ausgeführt wird. In diesem Jahr starteten 170 Radler im deutschen Ort Twisteden. Die windige aber sonnige Radltour führte durch die niederländischen Provinzen Limburg und Nordbrabant.
„Door de mooie Maasvallei“ (Through the nice Maas valley) is a cycling marathon with a route length of 200 km, running as a brevet. This year 170 cyclists started in the German village Twisteden. The windy however sunny cycling tour led through the Dutch provinces Limburg and North Brabant.
I am astonished! Gulyash- this is a second dish at dinner. It is necessary to supply a garnish. In color - like харчо (if there is rice) - acute beef soup with rice and tkemali .
The goulash soup was prepared by Moni, the wife of brevet-organizer Michael. She cooked goulash soup for 170 cyclists! However, for the cooking she had no big field kitchen, no goulash cannon, не большая полевая кухня! ...but only small pots!
There are many kinds of goulash soups. I suppose that Moni prepared this goulash soup in a Hungarian kind: braised beef, paprika, tomatoes, onions and potatoes.
I was surprised, that by the use of small pots, Moni was able to supply tasty goulash soup for 170 hungry cyclists.
It was supper, diner, lunch for 20 children when my doughters had been skiing on their vacations- what we do for them! But 170 - it s too difficult to imagin!!!