Home > Randonneur Brevets (Germany) > Brevets 2005 - 2010 > Brevets 2010 > Jahresabschluss-Brevet 02.10.2010

Brevets 2010

Der Begriff Brevet bezeichnet im Amateur-Radsport eine organisierte Langstreckenveranstaltung, bei der von sogenannten Randonneuren eine vorgegebene, nicht ausgeschilderte Strecke (üblicherweise zwischen 200 km und 1400 km) mit passieren von Kontrollstellen innerhalb eines bestimmten Zeitraums geradelt wird. Bei einem Brevet legt jeder Fahrer seine Geschwindigkeit, Pausenzeiten und - bei langen Brevets - seine Schlafpausen selbst fest. Diese Fahrweise wird französisch "Allure Libre" genannt. Es sind alle Fahrräder zugelassen, auf denen sich der Radfahrer ausschließlich aus eigener Muskelkraft fortbewegt. Die meisten Teilnehmer verwenden eine Variante des Rennrads, welches oft über einen leichten Gepäckträger verfügt, der eine kleine Tasche mit Regenkleidung und etwas Proviant trägt. Dazu kommen Licht und je nach Jahreszeit Schutzbleche. Manfred benutzte 2010 ein für Langstrecken gut geeignetes Liegerad.

In the sport of randonneuring, a brevet is an organised long-distance bicycle ride. Cyclists - who, in this discipline, may be referred to as randonneurs - follow a designated but unmarked route (usually 200 kms to 1400 kms), passing through check-point controls, and must complete the course within specified time limits. With a Brevet every rider fixes his speed, break times and - in long-distance brevets - his sleeping breaks himself. This riding manner is called in French "Allure Libre". All bicycles on which the cyclist moves exclusively with own muscular strength are admitted. Most participants use a type of road bike which often disposes of a light carrier, which carries a small pocket with rainwear and some victuals. In addition light and according to season mutguards are common practice. Manfred used 2010 a recumbent bike, which is well suitable for long distances.

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Manfred Tinebor

Jahresabschluss-Brevet 02.10.2010

Im Ziel: Schaumburg

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  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
    14 years 3 months ago
    Tree mighty... The lime-tree (липа), seems ... and maybe no ...
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      14 years 3 months ago
      Yes, dear Elena, this is a lime-tree! :-)
      My camera is simple and not very light-strong (lens let light poorly through). During dark days with cloudy sky the exposure time becomes much long and it becomes difficult to keep still the camera! So I am astonished as you recognize the kind of tree on my fuzzy, blurred photo! :-))
      • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
        14 years 3 months ago
        but tree is very mighty... It is difficult be not to seeing :)))
        • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
          14 years 3 months ago
          Oh yes, you are right, dear Elena.
          The mighty trunk of the tree is even visible with my simple camera :o)
          • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
            14 years 3 months ago
            Leaves too is visible well... :)
            • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
              14 years 3 months ago
              I have seen the tree in the reality and have recognized it, therefore, as a lime-tree.
              With the only help of the leaves on the photo I could not recognize the type of tree. On the photo these could be, e.g., also the leaves of the black alder (Ольха чёрная).
              You well know the botany! :-)))
              • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
                14 years 3 months ago
                No :))) ... To me has advantaged :) ... I have guessed :))
                Botany I know badly... Calculation of stamens (at school) was for me very boring :)))
                • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
                  14 years 3 months ago
                  I see, you know much more than me. I never calculated stamens!!
                  • Елена Premium user Russia (Private)
                    14 years 3 months ago
                    :))) ...
                    When you defined the class-subclass of flowers - you too, most likely, considered the amount of stamens, petals and other characteristics of flowers ...

                    I remember from school botany that we studied it all and that it was boring :))) ... And more next to nothing :)))
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