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Lindau ist eine Stadt am Bodensee im bayerischen Bezirk Schwaben. Die Altstadt von Lindau befindet sich auf einer gleichnamigen Insel.

Lindau is a town on Lake Constance in the Bavarian district of Swabia. The old town of Lindau is located on an island of the same name.

  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    7 years 9 months ago
    Der rollende Liegestuhl am Ufer
    "Билеет парус одинокий в тумане моря голубом,
    Что ищет он в стране далёкой,
    Что кинул он в краю родном?"
    Лермонтов М.Ю. ( погиб на дуэеле).
    Translation will be later  
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      7 years 9 months ago
      "Играют волны, ветер свищет,
      И мачта гнётся и скрипит,
      Увы, он счастия не ищет
      И не от счастия бежит."
  • Marbess Premium user Russia (Private)
    7 years 9 months ago
    Is this situation on 17-th of November???
    • Manfred Premium user Germany (Private)
      7 years 9 months ago
      The photo I took a week ago. But the apple harvest at Lake Constance lasts till the end of November! 
      Around 300,000 tons of apples are harvested on around 7,000 hecktar at Lake Constance. 
      Previously, most apples were exported to Russia. But because of the Russian food embargo, the Chinese now have to eat the many delicious apples from Lake Constance.
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